Soy eterno apasionado de la ingeniería mecánica, graduado en la Universidad Técnica de Ambato, en esta página pondré mis experiencias
y mis conocimientos sobre Mecánica: Diseño, proyectos de factibilidad, viabilidad, cálculos e ingenio mecánico, análisis
de estructuras metálicas, soluciones CAD/CAE, diseño CAM, simulaciones, colgaré programas de utilidad para resolver problemas
mecánicos, diseño y construcción de máquinas que se adapten al medio en que vivimos al menor costo posible.
Fernando Guerra said: On this website I will share my experiences in engineering, developing mechanical projects,
design of machinery and structures, analysis CAE / CAD, engineering solutions, mechanical software, video tutorials, examples,
drawings with others by offering ideas, images and information.
Fernando Guerra: I graduated in Mechanical Engineering
from the Technical University of Ambato, on this page I will put my experience and my knowledge of Mechanics: Design, feasibility
studies, CAD/CAE Solutions, estructural design, feasibility calculations and mechanic to get machines with that suit the environment
in which we live at the lowest cost possible.
And I'll be sure to include links to my favorite sites engineering.
To spice up my home page, I will include some of my mechanics and perhaps a tip or two mechanical projects.
Thanks for visiting, and be sure to get in touch and let me know what you think!